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Sunshine Restoration

Typical Winter Water Damage Causes

Winter brings along with its chilling temps a host of water damage issues. Most homes become vulnerable to water damage during the winter season. Let's dive into 3 of the top reasons we see winter water damage, especially in Northern Arizona.

Your Pipes Burst

Everyone has heard the rumor of your pipes breaking under below freezing temperatures. Pipes rarely burst due to expanding ice contained within them. Most pipes actually break due to the buildup of water pressure between a sink’s faucet and an ice blockage. No matter how new, old, or strong a pipe may seem to be, the expanding water has a chance to break the pipe.

The pipes that are most likely to break are the ones located along the exterior of the home. Often, these are place on unheated areas of the home like a basement, attic, or garage.

To make sure that you don't have a busted pipe this winter, inspect your home for all areas that have an unheated water supply. Insulation is the biggest safety for your homes pipes. You can purchase a pipe sleeve that can fit the pipes in those unheated areas.

Lastly, having a warm indoor temperature can prevent frozen pipes. While away on that Christmas vacation be sure to leave your home at no less than 55 degrees in your home.

Clean Out Those Gutters to Protect Your Roof

Quality gutters can be a live saver for you and your home during the winter months. When the snow hits Northern Arizona, and it stays cold for a few days, your gutters can be clogged up which can cause a serious issue.

This can create what is known as an ice dam along the gutter. This puts serious strain on your roof. When the snow or water site for too long it can find it's way underneath the roof shingles causing roof damage which will further lead into a leaky roof. If you start to see water marks on your home's ceilings or drips into your interior, it may be the cause of a ice dam in your gutter.

When you detect a faulty shingle, take immediate action to replace it, especially prior to the winter season. It’s more cost effective to replace worn shingles as you find them, rather than replacing an entire roof.

Outside Water Sources Can Spell Disaster

Be sure to remove all outdoor hoses from the yard. Drain them and store the dry hoses inside. Plus, shut off valves that supply water to the outdoors. Make sure to let all the rest of the water drain out of the hose.

Water Damage Restoration Experts in Arizona

No matter how much you prepare for that first cold spell, water damage can still occur. When this water damage emergency happens be sure to call your local experts at Sunshine Restoration. Our specialists will treat your water damage disaster as there own! Contact us today to get started.

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